Foot Levelers Orthotics in Redding
Protect Your Body’s Foundation – Your Feet
Your feet are the foundation of your body and its systems. If you have fallen arches or arches that you’ve been told are “high,” you already know how this can affect the body. Pain and discomfort in the knees, ankles, hips and even back and shoulder pain can stem from issues with your balance and gait.
Traditional medical doctors can attempt to treat your issues through prescriptions or surgery. While these treatments can have their place, Churn Creek Chiropractic offers a more natural, pharmaceutical-free treatment through its use of Foot Levelers orthotics.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
After looking at the results, your doctor will prescribe a corrective orthotic for each foot that can alleviate knee and hip pain, TMJ, and neck pain, and prevent wear and tear on those joints for the future.
Once the orthotics are ordered, they will arrive at Churn Creek Chiropractic a week or so later. They’re an easy-to-use, painless way to improve your whole body health.
Fix Your Feet—Call Churn Creek Chiropractic Today!
After more than 70 years and millions of feet analyzed, Foot Levelers can help us help you. Experience the difference they can make in your life. Call Churn Creek Chiropractic to get a leg up on your foot imbalance and start your journey toward feeling less achy and living life without joint and hip pain.